Luego de este tiempo, pude volver a verlos en la costa del Río Parana, no con la distancia adecuada para apreciar bien los detalles del ave pero comparando con las primeras fotos que les saqué, al menos estas sirven como para mostrarlas acá.
Este corbatita es inconfundible debido a su coloración, como verán en las fotos se destaca en el entorno; es bastante palustre, de hecho todas las fotos fueron tomadas en pastizales con agua a su alrededor ( El Brete, Nemesio Parma y Costa de la laguna del Jardín Botánico).
Mide 11 centímetros de longitud y espero sirvan estas fotos para confirmar a esta ave para la Provincia de Misiones ya que la misma no está citada en la guía como hábitat de esta especie.
It's been 6 months since I started photographing birds, I remember the first time we went to the Botanical with Willy and saw a couple of these seedeaters in the back pasture, as were my first experience photographing these shifting patterns the photos ended to the recycle bin.
After this time, I was able to see them on the coast of Parana River, not the right distance to appreciate the details of the bird, but compared to the first pictures I took, at least these serve to show them here.
The Rusty collared seedeater is unmistakable because of their color, as you will see in the photos stands on its environment is quite marshy, in fact all the photos were taken in pastures with water around it (The Brete, Nemesio Parma and Lagoon Coast Botanical Garden).
Measures 11 centimeters long and I hope these pictures serve to confirm this bird for the Province of Misiones and that it is not mentioned in the guide as a habitat for this species.
Mapa de distribución en América del sur / South America distribution map
Copyright-Avibase(The world bird database)
Canto del Corbatita dominó / Rusty collared seedeater song
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