Fotografiar esta ave fué un verdadero desafío durante los dos días que estuve en profundidad, la poca luz del ambiente en el que se mueve dificulta bastante el poder fotografiarla, además es muy inquieta, y el único momento en el que permanece algunos segundos en el mismo lugar es cuando emite su canto. Tuve que enfocar manualmente ya que el autofocus no terminaba nunca de enfocar. Al menos rescato estas dos fotografías. si bien la primer foto está desenfocada, sirve para mostrar al ave cantando.
In the silence of the forest heard her singing in the distance. This warbler of 12 centimeters has a strong and melodious voice of many piping notes, his singing is very acute. It inhabits the low layer, dense jungles, forests and capueras in the NE of the country is semi earthling.
Shoot the bird was a real challenge during the two days I was in "Profundidad", low ambient light in which the power moves quite difficult to photograph, he is very restless, and the only time in the few seconds remaining in the same place is when it issues its song. I had to manually focus because the autofocus to focus never ended. At least two photographs rescued. although the first picture is blurred, it serves to show the bird singing.
Mapa de distribución en América del sur / South America distribution map
Copyright-Avibase (The world bird database)
Canto del Arañero silbón / White rimmed warbler voice
Felix Vidoz /
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