Desde el auto alcanzo a ver a estas 3 golondrinas posadas en el cable y no desperdicié la oportunidad de fotografiarlas.
Me gustan las fotos en las que el ave dirige su mirada hacia la cámara y en la segunda foto pude obtener la atención de una de ellas.
We were returning home after visiting this area of Route 204 because the heat was becoming unbearable, although it was 9:30 in the morning we reached this place at 5:15 am but the temperature is 34 degrees were feel.
From the car I can see these 3 swallows perched on the cable and not wasted the opportunity to photograph them.
I like the pictures in which the bird turns its gaze toward the camera and the second photo I could get the attention of one of them.
Completo en esta entrada los datos que faltan con respecto al distribución, canto y lugar de avistaje ya que no lo he hecho antes.
Complete this entry with missing data regarding the distribution map,location of sightings and song. I have not done before.
Mapa de distribución en América / America distribution map
Copyright-Avibase (The world bird database)
Canto de la Golondrina parda / Brown chested martin song
Bernabe Lopez Lanus /
Lugares de avistajes
Locations of sightings
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