Nos habíamos alejado aproximadamente 500 metros de la Ruta 204 caminando por el monte hasta llegar a un sector del arroyo con poca vegetación, nos costó un poco al principio identificar el canto que estábamos escuchando ya que era la primera vez que lo escuchábamos, pero una vez que visualizamos al ave aprendimos a diferenciar otro nuevo canto.
Lo que se aprende en contacto directo con la naturaleza observando y escuchando no lo reemplaza ningún libro.
El Martín pescador mediano tiene la cabeza y el dorso de color verde oscuro brillante, el pico es bien largo, la hembra en particular tiene los flancos del vientre estriados del mismo color que el dorso y el abdomen es blanco. Habita ambientes acuáticos desde México salvo Chile.
To continue the habit photographed a female =). While the couple was in place, she was the one that landed within a reasonable distance to be able to photograph.
We had approximately 500 meters away from the Route 204 walking down the forest to get to a section of stream with little vegetation, it took us a little at first to identify the song we were listening because it was the first time I heard, but once we visualize the bird learned to differentiate a new song.
What you learn in direct contact with nature watching and listening does not replace any book.
The Amazon kingfisher measured 10 1/2" has the head and back of dark green, the peak is quite long, especially the female belly is striated sides of the same color as the back and the abdomen is white. It inhabits aquatic environments from Mexico except Chile.
Mapa de distribución en América del sur / South America distribution map
Copyright-Avibase (The world bird database)
Lugares de avistajes
Locations of sightings
Canto del Martín pescador mediano / Amazon kingfisher voice
Myriam Velazquez /
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